Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Can Anyone Identify These Vancouver School Buildings?

Right now I am downloading all archival pictures of Vancouver Schools I can find for a project I am working on and I came on a number of schools that are unidentified. Can any of you identify them?

Unidentified one room school in Vancouver, April 18, 1931, Stuart Thomson, CVA 99-3859

Unidentified Vancouver School ca. 1920 Stuart Thomson, CVA 99-1440

Here's another view of the same school. Ring any school bells?

Unidentified Vancouver School ca. 1920, Stuart Thomson, CVA 99-1443

So what about this one?

Unidentified Vancouver School ca. 1920, Stuart Thomson, CVA 99-1000

Check out this Panorama View of Vancouver!

This is a view of Vancouver taken by W. J. Moore from atop the Lee Block (NW corner of Bradway and Main) on 7 July 1913. This is City of Vancouver Archives Photo PAN N161A. Remember you can click on this photo to enlarge it. You can see this photo at a greater magnification on the City of Vancouver Archives Website. 

Are you interested in old photos of Vancouver? You will find literally thousands online on the City of Vancouver Website. Join the Friends of the Vancouver City Archives Society and you can get a 50% discount on 8x10 prints! Interested? Here's how you can join: http://vancouver.ca/ctyclerk/archives/friends/index.htm